The Scott Spotlight

November 11, 2022

Principal:  Linda Reha

School Address:  804 Wilson St. DeWitt, MI 48820

Office Phone Number:  517-668-3400

Attendance Phone Number:  517-668-3458


School Events

2022-23 District Calendar - 06.29.22.pdf
District Diversity Logo Paw

Nov. 18:  Half Day for Records Day (dismissal at 11:27 a.m.)

Nov. 23Thanksgiving Break Starts

Nov. 28:  School Resumes

Reha's Report

Dear Scott School Families,

Thank you for joining us for Parent/Teacher Conferences this week.  It was invigorating for teachers and parents/guardians to talk about student growth and goals for the remainder of the year.  Wow!  Scott School students, staff, and families are just awesome.  Thank you for your support because school and home connections and relationships are critically important to student success.

I want to give a shoutout of thanks to those who are active and retired military heroes.  The sacrifices you and your family have made for my freedom is something I truly will never fully understand the breadth of but am deeply indebted to you for.  Happy Veterans Day and thank you for your service to our country.  I am proud to be an American because of you!   

With gratitude galore,

Linda Reha

Scott School Principal

Fall Book Fair Fun

Students had a fabulous time shopping at our fall book fair.  Even if students were unable to purchase items, everyone was encouraged to check out book titles to find things of interest and to look for their favorites at our school library or even at the DeWitt Public Library.

Students Shopping at the Book Fair Pic 1
Media Coordinator Mrs. Smoot at the Book Fair Pic
Students Shopping at the Book Fair Pic 2

Halloween Parade Pics

Students in the Halloween Parade Pic 1
Students in the Halloween Parade Pic 2
Students in the Halloween Parade Pic 3
Students in the Halloween Parade Pic 4

PTA Sponsored Conference Cuisine

Our DeWitt PTA did it again!  They supported our teachers with Conference Cuisine dinners on parent teacher conference evenings.  Our gratitude runs deep and spreads far for all that our PTA does to support our schools!  Thank you, PTA and families who donated.

Scott School Apparel

We are excited to share that the Scott School Spirit Wear Store will remain open through November 20th!  Please click here for the link to order.

Winter Weather Wear

It's true - - - winter weather is on the way.  In fact, the forecast indicates we are in for some flurries this weekend.  Please help your child be ready for the cold, winter wonderland ahead by sending him/her to school with the proper outdoor gear.  Students are expected to wear a coat outside for recess when the temperature falls below fifty degrees.  Below is a list of winter apparel that is recommended.  Please let your child's teacher or Mrs. Schwarz know if your child is in need of any outdoor wear.  We are happy to help!

IRIPS & Read By Grade Three

DeWitt Public Schools has been supporting students in literacy for years by providing reading interventions and using IRIPs (Individual Reading Improvement Plans) for students who perform below benchmark per their Acadience reading composite score.  IRIPs will be provided to families at conferences for students who performed below benchmark on their fall Acadience Composite Score. 

A few years ago, Michigan instated a Read by Grade Three Law to ensure students were equipped with the necessary reading skills to be a successful student as they transitioned from early elementary (third grade) to upper elementary (4th grade +) and beyond.  Student performance on the ELA M-STEP  is what our Michigan Department of Education (MDE) will use to determine student retention per this law.  I will continue to keep third grade families informed on what to expect as we navigate the Read by Grade Three Law together in the spring.  Here are some 'Facts for Families' documents from the MDE  to learn more about the Read by Grade Three Law and how it may impact your child.

Facts for Families: What is the Read by Grade Three Law?.pdf
Facts for Families - Good Cause Exemption.pdf

Evacuation Reunification Site

In case of an emergency that requires Scott School to evacuate the building, please read this detailed letter for information about our reunification site.

Scott Reunification Site Letter.pdf

Weekend Survival Kit

The Weekend Survival Kit Backpack Program continues to be provided at Scott School this year.  Weekend Survival Kits contain a little over two days’ worth of food. Typical food items include mac & cheese, granola bars, canned vegetables, peanut butter, crackers, oatmeal, soup, and SpaghettiOs / Ravioli. Children are eligible for the Weekend Survival Kit program based on need. Please know that there is no cost to you to participate in this program.  Please contact DeAnn Schwarz, Scott School Social Worker, if you are interested in participating in this program.  517-668-3446 or 

Old Newsboys

The Old Newsboys Association helps our community by providing children with either shoes or boots. If your child needs new shoes or boots and the purchase of them would be a financial burden, please contact DeAnn Schwarz, Scott School Social Worker at 517-668-3446 or so that she may get you the forms to complete. It is not necessary to include your income information if your child qualifies for free or reduced lunch. We will forward your form to the Old Newsboys Association, and they will send you a voucher for either shoes or boots. You may include all school age children on one family request form, even if they attend different buildings. Please do not send in duplicate requests if you included your child on another form. 

Sick = Stay Home

Please help keep our school community healthy by keeping your child home if he/she is ill.  Read these CDC and health department resources and infographics below for steps to take if your child contracts COVID, is exposed to the virus, or contracts a different communicable disease.

2022-2023 PreK-12 Public Health Guidance.pdf
09-2022 parent illness guide (1).pdf
what to do with covid 2022-23 flow sheet.pdf

Subs Needed

We are always seeking teacher and support staff subs.  If you're interested in substitute teaching, please contact Jennifer Lee at 517-668-3009 to find out more information.  If you're interested in subbing in our lunchroom, playground, library, or as a paraprofessional, please call our office at 517-668-3400.  

Para Recruitment Flyer (3).pdf

Allergy Awareness

There are some Scott students who have health-threatening nut allergies in our building.  Scott School is a 'No Nut' building.  Pack items that do not contain nuts for your child's lunch and snack.  It is critically important that we provide a safe learning environment for all students, and your help with this is needed and appreciated.  Please always contact your child's teacher if you have a concern about an allergy or other health condition related to your child that they should be aware of.  Also, if your child has a medical need, including food or other allergies, don't forget to update your child's Medical Management Plan by completing and submitting the district forms to the office before school starts so we can follow protocols to keep your child safe.

School Breakfast & Lunch

School breakfast and lunch is available to all students.  Unfortunately though, neither is no longer free to all students like it was the past two years.  However, to apply for free and/or reduced lunch, click hereFor additional information about how to create an account for your student and access menus, click here.  Also, read the attached flyer for more details about how to create an account and contact information for our district Food Service Director, Sandy Leach.

New Meals for 2022_2023.pdf

Medical Forms

In order for Scott School personnel to administer medication to your child when we return to in person instruction, you must:

Medication and other medical forms can be found on our DeWitt Public Schools website.

Looking for Additional Support?

Our school social worker, Mrs. Schwarz, is always willing to assist students and families in any way possible.  In addition to working closely with your child's teacher, consider reaching out to her if you have questions or need support.  She is truly amazing at what she does!  She can be reached at 517-668-3446 or  

Attendance Line

Attendance Matters Picture

When your child is absent, please call the Scott School Attendance line:  517-668-3458. Substitute Teachers cannot access a teacher's email, so please call the office when your child is going to be absent, will be dropped off or picked up outside of regular school hours, or has a transportation switch. Please call before 3:00 pm, for all after school changes.