The Scott Spotlight
November 17, 2023
Principal: Linda Reha
School Address: 804 Wilson St. DeWitt, MI 48820
Office Phone Number: 517-668-3400
Attendance Phone Number: 517-668-3458
Start Time: 8:30 a.m. (First bell rings at 8:25 a.m.)
Students may be dropped of at 8:10 a.m. or later. Supervision is not available before 8:10 a.m.
Dismissal Time: 3:20 p.m.
School Events
Nov. 17: Half Day of School for Records Day (11:27 a.m. dismissal)
Nov. 22-24: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 22-Jan. 5: No School - Winter Break
Reha's Report
Dear Scott School Families,
First trimester has come to an end, and the growth students are demonstrating is amazing to witness! Throughout the building, students appear to have most of our routines and procedures down pat, and we continue to seize opportunities daily to teach the importance or respectful, responsible, and safe behavior along with what it means to be a bucketfiller. Defiance, physical aggression, and threatening language and gestures are target behaviors we continue to teach and reinforce. Please continue to have conversations about these and other types of behavior expectations at home. Adult modeling and discussions help students develop awareness, boundaries, and perform at their personal best.
Although social studies units at Scott School don't encompass the historical events surrounding Thanksgiving, teachers have worked hard to emphasize kindness, gratitude, and thankfulness through lessons and discussions. Teachers also continue to explore resources to teach Thanksgiving in a grade appropriate and in historically accurate way. I hope you find joy and happiness this Thanksgiving that honors old and new traditions important to your family. I also hope you and your family can pause and recognize the important things in your life and be mindful of the many things you have to be grateful for. Some of my many school related things I am grateful for are:
that you entrust your child/children with our staff at Scott School
our respectful, responsible, and safe student body and families
the kind, passionate, and effective staff in our building
the involved, supportive, and safe community in which we live and/or work in
Thank you for contributing to my thankfulness.
What are you thankful for?
I wish you and your family a lovely and safe Thanksgiving. Enjoy the upcoming break.
Much thanks,
Linda Reha
Scott School Principal
Book Fair Bliss
Students at the annual Scott School book fair. Students shopped for books, learned about sales tax, and how to budget their spending.
Book Vending Machine Unveiling
Scott School recently had a ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil our new book vending machine. Mrs. Brushaber, Scott School Lead Secretary, raised money for this awesome machine by working concessions at DPS extracurricular events and writing grants. In addition, our fabulous DeWitt Elementary PTA put a hefty donation towards the purchase of this vending machine to make it possible. Thank you, Mrs. Brushaber and PTA.
Students can earn a golden coin to select a book from the machine by being recognized for demonstrating life skills and lifelong guidelines that reflect high quality character. WLNS Channel 6 news even stopped by to do a short news story on this fun way to promote literacy and personal best behavior, and Dr. Spickard showed her support by joining the fun.
IRIPs & Read By Grade Three
The Read by Grade Three law has had a big change, and we're waiting for updated information from the Michigan Department of Education that reflect the change and any others. If you have a third grade student, please read this original flyer to learn more about the law and what you can expect. The significant change to be aware of (which is not reflected in the flyer) is that retention is no longer a necessary consideration for students who don't meet the MSTEP cut score for the ELA assessment that is taken in the spring. An IRIP (Individual Reading Improvement Plan) for students whose composite score is below benchmark on the Acadience assessment taken three times a year (fall, winter, and spring) must still be developed for students. If your child has an IRIP, you should have received a colored copy of it at conferences and signed a white copy for our school records. If your child has an IRIP and you haven't signed the school copy yet, please do and return it to your child's teacher before Thanksgiving Break. Thank you!
Veterans are VIPs
Mrs. Greenfield's class dressed in their patriotic colors to celebrate and give thanks to our Veterans.
Video Games & Student Behavior
Gaming has become a part of popular culture and every day activities for many. Video games, like many electronic resources, can have positive or negative effects on the social, emotional, and mental development of youth and adults. The article Video Games and Children: Playing with Violence provides insight on the impacts and how to navigate gaming with children.
At Scott School, we track behavior referrals to identify our top problematic behaviors, location it's occurring in most, time of day, and other important details to help us identify the effectiveness of our positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) and what measures we must take to extinguish unexpected behavior and replace it with more preferred expected behavior. The top problematic behaviors at Scott School right now are defiance, physical aggression, and using threatening language and gestures. Thank you for extending conversations beyond school about expected behavior and positive ways to de-escalate and manage big feelings. When trusted adults collaborate across settings (school and home), messaging and expectations transfer much quicker and with greater success. In addition, thank you for being mindful of behavior that is intentionally or unintentionally being reinforced or allowed outside of school that would not be allowed at school. Mixed messaging can confuse students and delay the healthy development of problem resolution and self-regulating skills. Thank you for partnering with us.
PTA Appreciation
Thank you to our DeWitt Elementary PTA for providing Scott teachers with Conference Cuisine two nights last week. Jersey Giant and Peppino's were both delicious, and it was incredibly helpful to our team to have dinner provided with such a short, half-hour window between the school day dismissal time and conferences starting each evening. You really made us feel special and cared for. THANK YOU again, and again, and again!
Schwarz's Section
Happy Fall Scott School Families,
I want to begin by saying how wonderful it was to see so many families last week at conferences. I always enjoy the opportunity to see and talk with so many of you. We have spent the fall learning and reviewing our school expectations and what it means to be respectful, responsible, and safe as a Scott School Panther. Additionally, we learned about the Zones of Regulation to guide us on how to recognize and handle all our feelings. Small groups will be getting started soon as well.
I also wanted to make sure families are aware of some great resources that we have available throughout the year. Click here to learn more about our Weekend Food Pack Program and the Old Newsboys Association of Greater Lansing.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance at any time during the year.
Take care,
DeAnn Schwarz
School Social Worker or (517) 668-3446
First Trimester Celebration Day
Scott School ended of our first trimester with a Board Game Day to celebrate all the hard work, perseverance, and learning that has taken place so far this year.
Scott Specials Section
Check out what's been happening in our specials classrooms/gym. Art, music, and physical education are such fun and engaging learning environments, and we love our specials teachers:
Mr. Lindsay - Art
Mrs. Graham - Music
Ms. Brya - Physical Education
Third Grade Scientists & Engineers
These third grade scientists are studying forces, motion, & magnets. Students here are engineering a bridge with partners to build the strongest bridge they can.
District Parent Resources & Events
Parent Guidance Series
School Breakfast & Lunch
School breakfast and lunch is available to all students and this year, both are free to all students due to a State initiative.
Lunch Menus:
Sign Up for Free Breakfast: The link shared with our families to sign up their students for breakfast has not been working properly. Please email Marcy Updike at to ensure your student is signed up for the breakfast program at Scott and Schavey because these two buildings will serve breakfast in the classroom as a more efficient way to feed students and reduce time out of class. Once you sign up your student, it is a standing order unless you cancel. When you email to sign up, please include:
Student's first and last name
Teacher's name
Building student attends
Guidelines for Free Meals: The guidelines to receive free breakfast and/or lunch require a students to take items that meet the guidelines for a complete meal.
Option to Purchase Ala Carte Items: In addition to free complete meals, extra entrees and ala carte items like milk at .55 will be available for purchase if your student brings a meal from home. Students will need money in their accounts to do this. There is a charge of $1.95 fee per $100, and .50 fee for multiple students with no transaction amt. cap to families who choose to use the online payment system. Also, you can pay by E-Check for $1 fee per transaction with a $750 transaction cap. Also, there are deposit boxes located in all school buildings.
Federal & State Funding Help: DeWitt Public School District is excited to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students starting this new school year thanks to the Michigan Healthy School Meals Program! Even though meals will be provided for free, it's important for families to continue sharing household income information in order for our schools to receive full access to federal and state funding for educational programs that our students are entitled to. Paper applications are available upon request. Please contact Sandy Leach at or Marcy Updike at Online applications can be completed at:
I-CHAT to Volunteer or Chaperone
All volunteers and chaperones must be cleared before an event through our District's I-CHAT background check process every year. This process takes a few days, so please don't delay in completing it, so your report is processed and returned to the school in a timely fashion.
CLT and Professional Development Calendar
Below are the dates for Collaborative Learning Time (CLT) and professional development this year. Thank you in advance for supporting these days which allow our teachers to participate in training and be continuous lifelong learners to support student success.
September 15 - Full Day Professional Development (no school)
October 18 - Early Release for CLT (dismissal at 11:57 a.m.)
November 1 - Full Day Professional Development (no school)
January 17 - Early Release for CLT (dismissal at 11:57 a.m.)
February 21 - Early Release for CLT (dismissal at 11:57 a.m.)
May 15 - Early Release for CLT (dismissal at 11:57 a.m.)
ID Requirement for Students to be Picked Up
Student safety is a priority. Please bring proper identification each time your child is picked up from school. Here are some ways adults picking up students can be identified:
Physical ID (ie. driver's license)
Personal ID by office staff
Other identification proof such as utility bills or other statements, credit card, etc., AND answer personal information that we have in Infinite Campus (ie. phone number, child's birthdate, etc.)
Allergy Awareness
There are some Scott students who have health-threatening nut allergies in our building. Scott School is a 'No Nut' building. Pack items that do not contain nuts for your child's lunch and snack. It is critically important that we provide a safe learning environment for all students, and your help with this is needed and appreciated. Please always contact your child's teacher if you have a concern about an allergy or other health condition related to your child that they should be aware of. Also, if your child has a medical need, including food or other allergies, don't forget to update your child's Medical Management Plan by completing and submitting the district forms to the office before school starts so we can follow protocols to keep your child safe.
Medical Forms
In order for Scott School personnel to administer medication to your child when we return to in person instruction, you must:
Submit a completed district medication form to our office.
Be sure all medications are brought to and stored in our office.
Be sure prescription medication is in its original container accompanied with a physician’s signature.
Be sure non-prescription medication is in its original container accompanied by a parent’s signature.
Please communicate with your child's teacher if he/she takes medication daily at school.
If your child has a medical condition, please be sure to complete a Medical Management Plan for your child and turn it in at the office.
Medication and other medical forms can be found on our DeWitt Public Schools website.
Attendance Line
When your child is absent, please call the Scott School Attendance line: 517-668-3458. Substitute Teachers cannot access a teacher's email, so please call the office when your child is going to be absent, will be dropped off or picked up outside of regular school hours, or has a transportation switch. Please call before 3:00 pm, for all after school changes.