The Scott Spotlight

April 27, 2023

Principal:  Linda Reha

School Address:  804 Wilson St. DeWitt, MI 48820

Office Phone Number:  517-668-3400

Attendance Phone Number:  517-668-3458


School Events

2022-23 District Calendar - 06.29.22.pdf
District Diversity Logo Paw

May 1-4:  Math NWEA Testing

May 2:  National Teacher Appreciation Day (we celebrate all staff)

May 8-12:  National Teacher Appreciation Week (we celebrate all staff)

May 9-11:  Acadience Testing

May 22 & 23:  3rd Graders Visit Herbison Woods (only on one of these dates)

June 2:  Field Day (3rd in the A.M. & 2nd in the P.M.)

Reha's Report

Dear Scott School Families, 

Our superstar students made it through the NWEA reading assessment this week.  Their stamina and pride is something to shout from the rooftop about.  I am so incredibly proud of the A game students brought to testing.  One more week of NWEA testing in the area of math followed by Acadience testing, and then we can wrap it up for spring assessments.  It always feels so rewarding to celebrate all the hard things our second and third graders do.   Our staff at Scott School gets the privilege to see hard work, perseverance, and students overcoming obstacles to achieve great things every day, so I feel obligated to share how awesome our students are since you don't get the same chance to see what we do.

Spring weather usually brings new excitement for all things related to summer break.  This sometimes includes the rise of unexpected behavior as students navigate little and big feelings about the end of a school year and thoughts of the start of a new one in the fall.  Please help support your child with conversations at home about how he/she is feeling with the upcoming transition, and please include talks about expected behavior no matter how small or large his/her emotions are.  Unfortunately, spring can be hard for some of our students, but with love and support, they can conquer anything.  Thank you for your help with this.

Kind regards,

Linda Reha

Scott School Principal

Panther Pride Student Spotlight

Pic of Lyla

Lyla is in Mrs. Anderson's 2nd grade class.  She was invited to the April Panther Pride Recess.  

Pic of Bennett

Bennett is in Mrs. Zarotney's 3rd grade class.  He was invited to the April Panther Pride Recess.  

Welcome Our New Dean of Students

DeWitt Public Schools welcomes our new K-5 Dean of Students, Ms. Anna Rosalin.  We are excited to have an additional team member to help foster positive relationships, continue our ongoing efforts in teaching problem resolution skills, and support social/emotional needs with students.

Meet the Dean (3).pdf
Pic of Ms. Rosalin and her Dog

Staff Appreciation Week

National Teacher Appreciation Day is Tues., 5/2 and National Teacher Appreciation Week is Mon., 5/8-Fri., 5/12.  We celebrate all of our staff in DeWitt Public Schools on these days, so at the building level, staff will be served a catered lunch next Tuesday, and will be pampered by our elementary PTA the week of May 8th with a Rock'n'Roll theme because as they put it "our staff rocks".  If you want to show your appreciation towards our staff, consider helping your child write a personalized note at home or talk about other ways your child can shower his/her special staff members with gratitude.

PTA Particulars & Staff Appreciation Info.

The following message is from our amazing PTA.

Hello Scott School Families!

Each year we celebrate our wonderful teachers and staff members during the DeWitt Elementary PTA Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week which is being held this year during the week of May 8th to May 12th. 

Due to the overwhelming support from parents, last year was a HUGE success.  All of the teachers and staff definitely felt the outpouring of support.  We have been busy planning and we are excited for the opportunity to show our teachers and all staff members, once again, the appreciation they deserve!  

We need your help to make this happen!!  Please check this Sign Up Genius for more information and to sign up to support our amazing teachers and staff!

The PTA and Scott Elementary staff THANK YOU for your support. If you have any questions, please email or text your building representatives:

Krista Jo Howard- (517) 575-5003

Perception Survey Results

Our Perception Survey Results are in, and we want you to know that your feedback matters to us.  Check out this summary poster of powerful practices that staff and parents identified for Scott School and also improvement opportunities and goals we've set.  We care about our staff and parent input and want to serve our stakeholders the best way we can.

Perception data communication-Scott.pdf

Field Day

Scott School Field Day is scheduled for Friday, June 2nd.  Third graders will participate in Field Day events in the morning, and second graders will participate in the afternoon.  If you're interested in volunteering on this exciting day, there is a link to sign up in the attached flyer.  We would love to have your help.  Come join the fun with us!  Be sure to complete our district I-CHAT Form which is a background check required for all volunteers.

Field Day Announcement.pdf

2023-24 DPS District Calendar

Here is our DeWitt Public School's district calendar for next year.

2023-24 District Calendar - 04.11.23.pdf

IMPORTANT - Spring Testing Info.

We are still in our spring testing window.  Students completed the Reading NWEA assessment this week and are moving on to the NWEA Math assessment next week.  Here are some pointers that you can follow to help your child with a successful testing experience.  Help your child:

Our Remaining Spring Testing is scheduled as follows:

Read By Grade Three Law

Third grade parents/guardians, please read about the Read By Grade Three Law so you're informed.  Third graders take the M-STEP for the first time in April, and the ELA test score is used to determine students who may benefit from retention.  

UPDATE:  Governor Whitmer recently signed a bill to overturn the Read By Grade Three Law.  Although local districts have not yet received information from the Michigan Department of Education about when this will go into effect, media reports indicate that it takes 90 days for a law to be overturned, so as of right now it looks like retention will still need to be considered this year for students who don't meet the M-STEP cut score on the ELA assessment.  Additional information will be shared with families once we know more. 

Facts_Families_GCE_FinalDraft_653732_7 (1).pdf

Parent Input Form - Due May 28th

An email was sent to families on Friday, April 14th containing a link to complete a Parent Input Form for those interested in providing feedback for next year's class placement consideration.   Please be sure to honor our request for no teacher requests.  If you're interested in providing input to our team, please complete the form instead of providing information through separate emails, phone class, and/or requests for meetings..  This system is the best way to provide feedback and ensures that the information families give to our school is documented in the same place and same manner.  Thank you for following our district procedure and helping us collect your feedback in a meaningful and systematic way.  

DeWitt Community Showcase

Mark your calendar for the annual DeWitt Community Showcase.  It is scheduled for June 1st this year.  Look for more information on social media and from our District about this fun event.  We hope you consider bringing your family out to connect with friends, staff, and local vendors and organizations to learn more about all that is offered right here in our amazing community and the greater Lansing area.

3rd Grader Transition - HW Building Tour

Third graders will be taking a building tour of Herbison Woods Elementary to give them a sneak peek of the school they will attend next year.  Your child's classroom teacher will communicate the specific tour date to families since there are two dates which are scheduled for Monday, May 22nd and Tuesday, May 23rd.

Sick = Stay Home

Please help keep our school community healthy by keeping your child home if he/she is ill.  Read these CDC and health department resources and infographics below for steps to take if your child contracts COVID, is exposed to the virus, or contracts a different communicable disease.

2022-2023 PreK-12 Public Health Guidance.pdf
09-2022 parent illness guide (1).pdf
what to do with covid 2022-23 flow sheet.pdf

Allergy Awareness

There are some Scott students who have health-threatening nut allergies in our building.  Scott School is a 'No Nut' building.  Pack items that do not contain nuts for your child's lunch and snack.  It is critically important that we provide a safe learning environment for all students, and your help with this is needed and appreciated.  Please always contact your child's teacher if you have a concern about an allergy or other health condition related to your child that they should be aware of.  Also, if your child has a medical need, including food or other allergies, don't forget to update your child's Medical Management Plan by completing and submitting the district forms to the office before school starts so we can follow protocols to keep your child safe.

School Breakfast & Lunch

School breakfast and lunch is available to all students.  Unfortunately though, neither is no longer free to all students like it was the past two years.  However, to apply for free and/or reduced lunch, click hereFor additional information about how to create an account for your student and access menus, click here.  Also, read the attached flyer for more details about how to create an account and contact information for our district Food Service Director, Sandy Leach.

New Meals for 2022_2023.pdf

Medical Forms

In order for Scott School personnel to administer medication to your child when we return to in person instruction, you must:

Medication and other medical forms can be found on our DeWitt Public Schools website.

Looking for Additional Support?

Our school social worker, Mrs. Schwarz, is always willing to assist students and families in any way possible.  In addition to working closely with your child's teacher, consider reaching out to her if you have questions or need support.  She is truly amazing at what she does!  She can be reached at 517-668-3446 or  

Attendance Line

Attendance Matters Picture

When your child is absent, please call the Scott School Attendance line:  517-668-3458. Substitute Teachers cannot access a teacher's email, so please call the office when your child is going to be absent, will be dropped off or picked up outside of regular school hours, or has a transportation switch. Please call before 3:00 pm, for all after school changes.