The Scott Spotlight

September 6, 2024

Principal:  Linda Reha

School Address:  804 Wilson St. DeWitt, MI 48820

Office Phone Number:  517-668-3400

Attendance Phone Number:  517-668-3458


School Events

District Diversity Logo Paw

Sept. 6-10DIBELS 8 Fall Testing Window

Sept. 9-19:  NWEA Fall Testing Window

Sept. 25:  Go Gold Day

Sept. 26:  Fall Picture Day (Retakes will be Oct. 1)

2024-25 DPS Calendar - Updated 05.20.24.pdf

Reha's Report

Dear Scott School Families,

The first two weeks have been a blast!  Students are settling in well and demonstrating respectful, responsible, and safe behavior, all while learning our school-wide and classroom routines.  I often brag about how awesome our students, staff, and school are, but truly and honestly, I feel so fortunate to be a part of an amazing community that supports education and takes pride in supporting students to thrive and be their personal best.  Thank you for trusting me and our school team to support the important work of educating and supporting children academically, socially, and emotionally.  

Today we started fall DIBELS 8 screening for reading.  This information will help our team identify student strengths and target areas for instruction.  Testing will continue Monday and Tuesday next week.  Also, next week, NWEA MAP testing begins.  Students will take the NWEA reading assessment Monday through Thursday (your child's teacher will communicate assigned testing days with students and families) and the following week, students will complete NWEA math testing.  Again, information obtained through these assessments informs instruction, monitors student performance over time, and creates opportunities for celebrations, targeting areas for improvement, and creating goals.  Thank you for helping your child be at school and on time every day, especially on testing days. 

Drop off and pick up is going fairly well so far, but there is room for improvement.  Thank you for reviewing and following these reminders:

All my best,

Linda Reha

Scott School Principal

Fall DIBELS 8 and NWEA Testing

Fall testing is here, and here are our testing windows:

Some helpful reminders about benchmark testing:

NWEA - Did you know?

Did you know the following about NWEA MAP testing?




Positive Behavior Systems

Scott School uses positive behavior intervention systems to support students in learning and demonstrating expected behavior.   This all starts with our three school rules  below that are discussed and taught daily.

Along with our school rules, students earn Panther Pride tickets when a school staff member notices anyone demonstrating behavior that is respectful, responsible, or safe.  Students who earn Panther Prides are also announced on our Morning News, a panther head with their name is posted on a bulletin board in our school,  and they are invited to a special reward experience with Mrs. Reha and Mrs. Schwarz.  This year, we will be hosting special recesses during the warm months and bingo during the cold months.

We recognize that our students are lifelong learners and continue to need support as they grow and learn throughout their educational career, this includes behavior as well as academics.  To help students process a difficult social or behavior situation and develop a success plan for the next time they face a similar situation, we use a teaching tool with students called a Think Sheet.  These forms are designed to help student reflect, forward think, and sometimes even include a type of restitution they can offer to do repair work for a situation.  To include parent/guardians in our school-home team connection for a student, these forms are sometimes sent home for parents to review, discuss with their child, and then sign and return to school when there is a pattern and a need for skill development.  This helps our our triangle team (student, parent(s), staff) work closely together on problem solving and social/behavior skill development.

Students at Scott School also learn about Zones of Regulation.  The Zones help students identify their feelings in meaningful ways and then choose and use tools to help self-regulate their emotions in a productive way.

Panther Pride Ticket Pic
Zones Think Sheet.pdf
Zones of Regulation Visual Summary.pdf

Join Our Team

Have you considered working in a school before?  Do you enjoy working on a team?  Does working with children interest you?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, please consider applying for our open non-instructional assistant postion, or pass this information along to others who may be interested.  We are looking to fill a 1.5 hour/day lunch assistant position and would love to have you join our amazing Scott School team!  Please contact our main office at 517-668-3400 during school hours to learn more about this position and how to apply.

Go Gold Day

Wednesday, September 25th will be Go Gold Day for DeWitt Schools and community to raise awareness and support children and their families facing cancer.  Students and adults alike are encouraged to participate by wearing gold attire as a symbol of encouragement and care for those tackling this disease.

PTA Particulars

Join the DeWitt Elementary PTA! Memberships are now open, and this is your chance to

make a real impact at our school. By joining the PTA, you'll help support exciting programs,

enhance educational resources, and build a stronger community. Your involvement ensures that

every student benefits from enriched learning experiences and fun activities. Don't miss out on

the opportunity to be a part of something great—sign up today and be a voice for our children’s


Check out this monthly calendar of events to see what our DeWitt Elementary PTA has planned for October.

September 2024 Newsletter UPDATED.pdf

Chalk the Walk

Thank you, PTA and families, for your creative and inspiring sidewalk artwork that greeted students and staff on the first day of school.  Seeing cheerful and encouraging messages set such a positive tone for the 2024-25 school year.  We are grateful for your support!

Sidewalk Chalk Message 1 Pic
Sidewalk Chalk Message 2 Pic
Sidewalk Chalk Message 3 Pic
Sidewalk Chalk Message 4 Pic
Sidewalk Chalk Message 5 Pic
Sidewalk Chalk Message 6 Pic
Sidewalk Chalk Message 7 Pic
Sidewalk Chalk Message 8 Pic
Sidewalk Chalk Message 9 Pic

VIP - Present & Past

There are everyday heroes amongst us, and we all know a few.  Mr. Bart Ripstra is a hero who selflessly volunteered his time and efforts to help Scott School get our building in order before school started after a summer of amazing construction projects.  Mr. Ripstra assembled furniture, vacuumed carpets, weeded flower gardens, transported boxes for a teacher moving from Schavey Road Elementary to Scott School, and so much more.  Daily, he stopped by our building before school started and offered his assistance.  Even more inspiring, is that not only is Mr. Ripstra a DeWitt resident and community member, he has grandchildren in DeWitt Public Schools, and used to be a principal at Scott School and DeWitt High School several years ago.  Now if that doesn't give you goosebumps, I don't what will.  Thank you, Mr. Ripstra for making our building a better place and continuing to serve our schools.  YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Former Scott School Principal, Mr. Bart Ripstra Pic 1
Former Scott School Principal, Mr. Bart Ripstra Weeding our Garden Pic 2
Weeded Garden Completed by Mr. Bart Ripstra Pic 3

The Walking School Bus

The Walking School Bus (WSB) is another way for non-bus students at Schavey and Scott Schools to get to and from school.  It allows parents to skip the drop-off and pick-up lines and provides students a little activity with a short walk before and/or after school. In the mornings, you can drop them off at the off-campus location on N. Logan Street. A Walking School Bus coordinator or volunteer will walk alongside the students from this location to school. The end of the school day works just the same, but in reverse. A coordinator or volunteer will walk students from school to the pick-up location on N. Logan Street to be picked up by a parent or guardian. Safety vests and ponchos are provided to each student participant. Walking schedules are fully customizable to your students schedule. If interested in this program, please see our flyer for more information. 

Stop the Spread of Respiratory Illnesses

Thank you for helping reduce respiratory infection spread at school by following simple CDC guidelines.

Respiratory Illness Protocol.pdf

Behavior Language & Assessing a Problem

As students learn appropriate ways to socialize, make and keep friends, and problem solve, specific terms are often used to describe undesirable behavior.  Learning and applying the difference between rude, mean, and bullying behavior helps empower students with the meaningful and accurate language to advocate when they witness and/or experience inappropriate treatment.  Consider using this language at home as it applies throughout the year to reinforce appropriate words to describe situations that may come about as students navigate relationship building with peers.  Also, helping students analyze the size of a problem and recognize that the size of their reaction should match is a helpful way for children to develop self-regulation responses that validate their feelings in an appropriate way.

IsitBullying-1 (1).pdf
Size of a Problem.pdf

Schwarz's Section

Hello Scott School Families,

What a wonderful start to the year we have had!  The students have done a beautiful job of transitioning into the new school year, learning our schedules, routines, and expectations.  I am in the process of visiting all of the classrooms to introduce myself and discuss my role here at Scott School, as well as, what it looks like to be kind. In addition, the students have been learning about the Zones of Regulation.

I also wanted to make families aware of some great resources that we have available throughout the year. Click here to learn more about our Weekend Food Kit Program and the Old Newsboys Association of Greater Lansing, which assists in the purchase of shoes and boots.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance at any time during the year.

Take care,

DeAnn Schwarz

School Social Worker or (517) 668-3446

Learn More About Scott School & DPS

To learn more specific details about Scott School, check out these informative links:

CLT and Professional Development Calendar

Below are the dates for Collaborative Learning Time (CLT) and professional development this year.  Thank you in advance for supporting these days which allow our teachers to participate in training and be continuous lifelong learners to support student success.

Fall Picture Day

Fall Picture Day at Scott School is:  September 26th

Fall Picture Retake Day at Scott School is:  October 1st

Pre-order today on

Picture Day ID: EVTR4X2SQ

Lifetouch QR Code
DavidScott Flyer 24.25 Fall.pdf

Family Infinite Campus Tasks Requested

Dear Parents/Guardians:

It is of utmost importance that you complete an annual update of your student’s emergency contact information through your parent portal. In the event of a school emergency, the District wants to be sure to have the most up-to-date contact information to communicate with parents/guardians.

With this update, you will also complete the annual Release Agreements and acknowledge that you have read the following District documents (found on the District website at

1. District K-12 Student Handbook

2. District Code of Conduct

3. Concussion Info

4. Athletic Handbook, if applicable

Use your parent portal to complete these required tasks to ensure your student's access to the district network, apps, curriculum, etc.


NOTE: Your parent portal works best using Chrome or Firefox browsers.

1.Log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

2. Click on the three lines (hamburger) in the upper left-hand corner to open the menu.

3. Select MORE.




7. Type your name and sign with your mouse.


At each prompt, review, confirm/update your student’s data. Use the NEXT and SAVE/CONTINUE buttons to proceed through the Update.

If any of your information is highlighted in yellow, you have missed a required field and must go back to edit/ update.

9. SUBMIT once complete.

All changes will be reviewed by staff and they will reach out to you to confirm update and/or request additional documentation, depending on the change made.

Questions or assistance? contact the District Registrar at 517-668-3017.

Donations Appreciated

Thank you to the many families who have reached out and asked what donations they can make to Scott School.  Here is a list of things that we're always in need of:

Drop Off, Pick Up, and Parking Lot Procedures

Drop Off & Pick Up:

Parking Lot & Other Safety Requests:

It's normal for students to experience some anxiety at the start of the school year, and our school staff will be visible and eager to help all students find their classroom and get settled into a school routine.  However, please communicate with us if your child experiences significant anxiety and stress about transitioning to school after the first week.  To increase safety for our students and staff, as well as to help your child with a successful transition into the school year, please drop your child off outside of the building instead of walking him/her inside.  Our staff will be visible, available, and happy to help! 

Some Examples of Car Signs for the Pick Up Loop:

IMPORTANT - Crosswalk Safety

Please help keep our students (and all pedestrians) who walk or bike to and from school safe by following driver safety laws.  Although most students use the crosswalk at the stop sign on Wilson St. to cross the road, it is important to be alert for students crossing anywhere near school grounds.  You have an important role in keeping our students safe by following these law tips.

Our local law enforcement partner with our school to assist with safety and will ticket if necessary to protect our students.  Modeling expected driver safety is essential and contagious!  Be a role model for our children and other drivers.  Accidents at this crosswalk can be prevented by following crosswalk laws and being an attentive driver, especially when our students are walking or bike riding to and from school each day.

Neighborhood Niceties

Scott is a neighborhood school, and we have many wonderful neighbors who support our school.  However, a community concern is vehicles blocking driveways at the beginning and end of the day when drop off and pick up occurs.  Please be respectful of our neighbors by refraining from idling (or parking) your car in front of any driveway while waiting in the car loop line.   Allowing space for driveway access for all property owners is important and helps us maintain positive relations with our friendly neighbors and demonstrates respectful driver etiquette.   Also, vehicles cannot stop in the intersection where the stop sign is located south of your buildingWe are fortunate to have support from our local law enforcement to keep our students, community, and school safe, so please know these traffic violations could result in police issuing tickets. In addition, please follow road rules by parking in legal spots when needing to enter the building.  Using other areas besides the drop off and pick up loop is strongly discouraged.  Please follow our driving guidelines so pick up and drop off times are safe for everyone by preventing an unfortunate accident from occurring and helping us keep good relations with our neighborhood community membersBe sure to follow the turn sign when exiting the loop.  Vehicles must make a righthand turn only to keep traffic flow steady and to avoid an accident.  Lastly, please keep in mind that our staff need to be on time to work to teach and support your child, so please allow staff access to the staff parking lot when they arrive to work each day. Thank you for your attention to these concern areas. 

We're hoping to have the Walking School Bus again at Scott School.  We hope you consider this opportunity for your child to walk to school and get some fresh air, exercise, and make new friends by walking with a trusted adult.  This will also benefit families by avoiding wait time in the parent loop line.  Stay tuned for more information.

ID Requirement for Students to be Picked Up

Student safety is a priority.  Please bring proper identification each time your child is picked up from school.  Here are some ways adults picking up students can be identified:

Allergy Awareness

There are some Scott students who have health-threatening nut allergies in our building.  Scott School is a 'No Nut' building.  Pack items that do not contain nuts for your child's lunch and snack.  It is critically important that we provide a safe learning environment for all students, and your help with this is needed and appreciated.  Please always contact your child's teacher if you have a concern about an allergy or other health condition related to your child that they should be aware of.  Also, if your child has a medical need, including food or other allergies, don't forget to update your child's Medical Management Plan by completing and submitting the district forms to the office before school starts so we can follow protocols to keep your child safe.

School Breakfast & Lunch

School breakfast and lunch are available and free to all students.  Additional information will be provided to families soon about how to sign up for this opportunity with additional information about our food service program.  Menus can be found here and will be updated soon.

Medical Forms

In order for Scott School personnel to administer medication to your child when we return to in person instruction, you must:

Medication and other medical forms can be found on our DeWitt Public Schools website.

Looking for Additional Support?

Our school social worker, Mrs. Schwarz, is always willing to assist students and families in any way possible.  In addition to working closely with your child's teacher, consider reaching out to her if you have questions or need support.  She is truly amazing at what she does!  She can be reached at 517-668-3446 or  

Attendance Line

Attendance Matters Picture

When your child is absent, please call the Scott School Attendance line:  517-668-3458. Substitute Teachers cannot access a teacher's email, so please call the office when your child is going to be absent, will be dropped off or picked up outside of regular school hours, or has a transportation switch. Please call before 3:00 pm, for all after school changes.