The Scott Spotlight
September 8, 2023
Principal: Linda Reha
School Address: 804 Wilson St. DeWitt, MI 48820
Office Phone Number: 517-668-3400
Attendance Phone Number: 517-668-3458
Start Time: 8:30 a.m. (First bell rings at 8:25 a.m.)
Students may be dropped of at 8:10 a.m. or later. Supervision is not available before 8:10 a.m.
Dismissal Time: 3:20 p.m.
School Events
Sept. 8-10: Fall Acadience Testing
Sept. 11-15: Fall NWEA Reading Testing
Sept. 15: No School - Full Day of Professional Development for Certified Staff
Sept. 18-21 : Fall NWEA Math Testing
Sept. 21: Fall Picture Day
Reha's Report
Dear Scott School Families,
Well, we're back in it, and the school year is off to a rockin' start. Thank you for your support and contributions to successfully getting things rolling. I've been doing this for a long time, and I have to say that this year was one of the smoothest starts on record at Scott School. I am thrilled to have the chance to work with you and your child, and look forward to our partnership all year long. Some reminders to keep things going well:
When dropping off or picking up your child before or after school, please use our car loop. That's what it's for! Using a parking spot or another location makes it challenging to supervise your child, can be a danger to students navigating between cars, models that our procedures aren't important, and makes it extremely difficult for our staff to park and be on time to work.
Have your child exit your vehicle anywhere in the blue painted curb zone when using our car loop.
Place a large, legible sign with your child's first and last name in the vehicle window when picking your child up. This helps keep our car loop moving and makes pick up run efficiently.
Please follow the right turn only sign when exiting our car loop. This too helps our drop off and pick up loop run smoothly, safely, and efficiently.
Send a filled water bottle to school with your child. Staying hydrated helps students be ready learners.
As the fall weather sets in, help your child dress in layers. Mornings can be cool and afternoons can be warm.
All my best,
Linda Reha
Scott School Principal
Fall Acadience and NWEA Testing
Fall testing is here! Here are our testing windows:
Acadience - Fri., 9/8 - Tues., 9/12
NWEA Reading - Mon., 9/11 - Thurs, 9/14
NWEA Math - Mon., 9/18 - Thurs., 9/21
Some helpful reminders about benchmark testing:
These assessments are not ones that students can study for. They provide insight on student progress and performance on the day the student took the assessment. Other factors can influence how a student tests.
Testing does not define a student. Trend data and multiple data sources provide additional evidence of learning. It's possible a student may have peaks and valleys in their testing performance. Looking at several data points for an upwards trajectory of growth is what we're striving for.
Please be sure to help your child get a good night sleep, a brain-fueled breakfast, and be to school and on time. Your child's teacher will share specific testing days with you.
Second graders and students with audio accommodations per an IEP or 504 plan will need earbuds/headphones. Please consider sending in a pair for your child to keep at school. We have some extras though for those who forget or don't have any.
Help us celebrate learning with your child. Even test results that are unexpected or lower than hoped for are learning opportunities and should be embraced. It's all about the mindset adults have and model for our students.
NWEA - Did you know?
Did you know the following about NWEA MAP testing?
Per the recommendation of NWEA, spring data from last year is used to sort second graders according to their RIT score so they take the appropriate assessment aligned to them. Here is how students are sorted:
<190 RIT in the spring of 2023 = K-2 growth test (all audio)
190+ RIT in the spring of 2023 = 2-5 growth test (no audio)
<200 RIT in the spring of 2023 = K-2 growth test (all audio)
200+ RIT in the spring of 2023 = 2-5 growth test (no audio)
Please don't fret if your child takes the grades K-2 growth tests in reading and math this year instead of the grades 2-5 tests. The test options are specifically designed to measure different aspects of student achievement in developmentally appropriate ways using a student's most recent RIT score. Once in third grade, all students will take the grades 2-5 reading and math tests.
All new second grade students will take the grades K-2 tests since we don't have recent NWEA benchmark data to determine if they are ready to take the grades 2-5 assessments.
All third graders take the 2-5 growth (reading & math) assessments. This assessment is a transition from the early literacy based audio assessment that most students are familiar with in grades K-2 to longer connected text passages that do not include an audio feature except for students who are eligible for an audio accommodation through an IEP or 504 plan.
When students transition from taking an assessment such as the K-2 one to the 2-5 one, sometimes they experience a performance dip. Unless there is significant regression, this should not be cause for alarm because often students adjust to the new assessment the following benchmark testing period. Essentially, it's important to look at several data points over time, called trend data, to determine a student's growth, not just a student's performance on a single day.
Positive Behavior Systems
Scott School uses positive behavior intervention systems to support students in learning and demonstrating expected behavior. This all starts with our three school rules below that are discussed and taught daily.
Be respectful.
Be responsible.
Be safe.
Along with our school rules, students earn Panther Pride tickets when a school staff member notices anyone demonstrating behavior that is respectful, responsible, or safe. Students who earn Panther Prides are also announced on our Morning News, a panther head with their name is posted on a bulletin board in our school, and they are invited to a special recess with Mrs. Reha and Mrs. Schwarz.
We recognize that our students are lifelong learners and continue to need support as they grow and learn throughout their educational career, this includes behavior as well as academics. To help students process a difficult social or behavior situation and develop a success plan for the next time they face a similar situation, we use a teaching tool with students called a Think Sheet. These forms are designed to help student reflect, forward think, and sometimes even include a type of restitution they can offer to do repair work for a situation. To include parent/guardians in our school-home team connection for a student, these forms are sometimes sent home for parents to review, discuss with their child, and then sign and return to school when there is a pattern and a need for skill development. This helps our our triangle team (student, parent(s), staff) work closely together on problem solving and social/behavior skill development.
Students at Scott School also learn about Zones of Regulation. The Zones help students identify their feelings in meaningful ways and then choose and use tools to help self-regulate their emotions in a productive way.
Panther Pride Ticket
Think Sheet
Zones of Regulation
I Matter Photo Op
Annual Student Update - REQUIRED for all DPS Students
We need your help! About 20% of our families have not yet completed an annual student update through Infinite Campus. If this applies to you, please take a few minutes to complete this important and required District update. Below are the instructions that were sent to families via email.
REMINDER: As soon as possible, please log into your Infinite Campus parent portal to complete/confirm/update your student/s emergency contact information as well as acknowledging that you have read important District documents. This will ensure your student has access to school programs/email, etc.
Be sure to read the following PRIOR to completing the update (all can be found here).
1. District Handbook
2. District Code of Conduct
3. School Building Handbook, including the Technology Code of Ethics & Acceptable Use Policy
DIRECTIONS (application works best using Chrome or Firefox browsers):
1. Log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
2. Click on the 3 lines (hamburger) in the upper left-hand corner to access MENU.
6. Type your name and sign with your mouse/trackpad. Click BEGIN. At each prompt, review, confirm/update your student's data. Use the NEXT and SAVE/CONTINUE buttons to proceed through the Update. If any of your information is highlighted in yellow, you have missed a required field and must go back to edit/ update.
7. SUBMIT once complete.
All changes will be reviewed by staff and they will reach out to you to confirm updates and/or request additional documentation, depending on the change made. If you need assistance with the Annual Update, please contact the District Registrar at 517-668-3017.
Fall Picture Day
Fall Picture Day at Scott School is: September 21st
Pre-order today on
Picture Day ID: EVTQHXF4C
Schwarz's Section
Hello Scott School Families,
What a wonderful start to the year we have had! The students have done a beautiful job of transitioning into the new school year, learning our schedules, routines, and expectations. I have had the opportunity to visit all of the classrooms this week to introduce myself and discuss my role here at Scott School. We also enjoyed the book, "What Does It Mean to Be Kind?" which I really like to read at the beginning of the year as we're setting the stage of what it looks like to be Bucket Fillers. In addition, the students have been learning about the Zones of Regulation. Feel free to click on this link to learn more.
I also wanted to make families aware of some great resources that we have available throughout the year. Click here to learn more about our Weekend Food Pack Program and the Old Newsboys Association of Greater Lansing.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance at any time during the year.
Take care,
DeAnn Schwarz
School Social Worker or (517) 668-3446
PTA Particulars
Invitation from the DeWitt Elementary PTA
Our new PTA Board has some awesome plans for this school year but we need your help! I would like to invite you to our first meeting this Tuesday September 12th at 7pm in the Media Center at Herbison Woods. Come meet other parents and staff, be a voice for your child, learn how to get involved, or sit back and enjoy the classic smell of books while you learn what we are all about. Your support matters. We can’t wait to see you!
Your super excited PTA President,
Krista Howard
School Breakfast & Lunch
School breakfast and lunch is available to all students and this year, both are free to all students due to a State initiative.
Lunch Menus:
Sign Up for Free Breakfast: The link shared with our families to sign up their students for breakfast has not been working properly. Please email Marcy Updike at to ensure your student is signed up for the breakfast program at Scott and Schavey because these two buildings will serve breakfast in the classroom as a more efficient way to feed students and reduce time out of class. Once you sign up your student, it is a standing order unless you cancel. When you email to sign up, please include:
Student's first and last name
Teacher's name
Building student attends
Guidelines for Free Meals: The guidelines to receive free breakfast and/or lunch require a students to take items that meet the guidelines for a complete meal.
Option to Purchase Ala Carte Items: In addition to free complete meals, extra entrees and ala carte items like milk at .55 will be available for purchase if your student brings a meal from home. Students will need money in their accounts to do this. There is a charge of $1.95 fee per $100, and .50 fee for multiple students with no transaction amt. cap to families who choose to use the online payment system. Also, you can pay by E-Check for $1 fee per transaction with a $750 transaction cap. Also, there are deposit boxes located in all school buildings.
Federal & State Funding Help: DeWitt Public School District is excited to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students starting this new school year thanks to the Michigan Healthy School Meals Program! Even though meals will be provided for free, it's important for families to continue sharing household income information in order for our schools to receive full access to federal and state funding for educational programs that our students are entitled to. Paper applications are available upon request. Please contact Sandy Leach at or Marcy Updike at Online applications can be completed at:
I-CHAT to Volunteer or Chaperone
All volunteers and chaperones must be cleared before an event through our District's I-CHAT background check process every year. This process takes a few days, so please don't delay in completing it, so your report is processed and returned to the school in a timely fashion.
CLT and Professional Development Calendar
Below are the dates for Collaborative Learning Time (CLT) and professional development this year. Thank you in advance for supporting these days which allow our teachers to participate in training and be continuous lifelong learners to support student success.
September 15 - Full Day Professional Development (no school)
October 18 - Early Release for CLT (dismissal at 11:57 a.m.)
November 1 - Full Day Professional Development (no school)
January 17 - Early Release for CLT (dismissal at 11:57 a.m.)
February 21 - Early Release for CLT (dismissal at 11:57 a.m.)
May 15 - Early Release for CLT (dismissal at 11:57 a.m.)
District Parent Resources & Events
Parent Guidance Series
ID Requirement for Students to be Picked Up
Student safety is a priority. Please bring proper identification each time your child is picked up from school. Here are some ways adults picking up students can be identified:
Physical ID (ie. driver's license)
Personal ID by office staff
Other identification proof such as utility bills or other statements, credit card, etc., AND answer personal information that we have in Infinite Campus (ie. phone number, child's birthdate, etc.)
Allergy Awareness
There are some Scott students who have health-threatening nut allergies in our building. Scott School is a 'No Nut' building. Pack items that do not contain nuts for your child's lunch and snack. It is critically important that we provide a safe learning environment for all students, and your help with this is needed and appreciated. Please always contact your child's teacher if you have a concern about an allergy or other health condition related to your child that they should be aware of. Also, if your child has a medical need, including food or other allergies, don't forget to update your child's Medical Management Plan by completing and submitting the district forms to the office before school starts so we can follow protocols to keep your child safe.
Medical Forms
In order for Scott School personnel to administer medication to your child when we return to in person instruction, you must:
Submit a completed district medication form to our office.
Be sure all medications are brought to and stored in our office.
Be sure prescription medication is in its original container accompanied with a physician’s signature.
Be sure non-prescription medication is in its original container accompanied by a parent’s signature.
Please communicate with your child's teacher if he/she takes medication daily at school.
If your child has a medical condition, please be sure to complete a Medical Management Plan for your child and turn it in at the office.
Medication and other medical forms can be found on our DeWitt Public Schools website.
Attendance Line
When your child is absent, please call the Scott School Attendance line: 517-668-3458. Substitute Teachers cannot access a teacher's email, so please call the office when your child is going to be absent, will be dropped off or picked up outside of regular school hours, or has a transportation switch. Please call before 3:00 pm, for all after school changes.